Mobile Phone Tracking, News

Sad News – Thank you Google!

evertrack removed from play store

EverTrack Removed from Play Store

EverTrack App Removed from Play Store

At Sunday down we received an email from Google that they have marked EverTrack app as a spyware and they think this app is ideal for spying activities so they removed it from Play Store. We weren’t worried, sure that it’s a misunderstanding and we have the right to appeal against the decision.


We replied to the email as soon as we could to solve this misunderstanding, but we were surprised when we received an automatically generated answer that Google checked the app and they won’t accept our appeal, they will not reinstate the app and their decision is final.


Ignoring the fact that they told that the decision is final we have been trying to get in contact with Play Developer team in email but we haven’t received any answer from them. It seems that the issue is closed and they think that it’s fair that way.

Why EverTrack is a Spyware?

Frankly we don’t have any idea about why Google think that EverTrack app is a spyware and they don’t tell any details about it.

  • To use our app the user needs to accept an invitation sent by the administrator before they can use the app.
  • After EverTrack installed the user can turn it off and on
  • The user can delete the app anytime
  • When the app is running the CorvusGPS icon always displayed at the top bar
  • The app isn’t able to run in background
  • The name of the app is clear and simple, not similar to any system process or other app

These criteria exactly meeting the Google’s requirements for a legal tracking app. Using of EverTrack for any spying activity is prohibited by our Terms and Conditions what the user must accept when they register. We already tested EverTrack with Spyware scanner apps from Play Store but nothing found!

EverTrack is not a Spy app!

EverTrack is an app developed with business purposes to manage vehicle fleets and workforces easily to ensure the efficiency of companies.

Fleet Management with Mobiel Phones.
Fleet Management with Mobiel Phones.

EverTrack is available again!

From the weekend happenings we are working to recover the app from it’s ashes and we are happy to announce that EverTrack is available to download again from our website and we will also upload it to other app stores (Amazon, Blackberry) soon. We won’t give it up – we will be back on Play Store but it might take some time.

Try our mobile tracking apps for Android and iOS now!

Two years of work and nearly 100.000 downloads and 800 ratings thanks to you. And it was permanently removed by Google in a blink of an eye, so now we need some help…

If you satisfied with our services and want to keep it working please help us and share our services with your friends or following us at Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn and Twitter.

 Thanks for your Support!

The CorvusGPS Team

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Zoltan Sardi
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  1. Emil

    How about a petition?


      We tried to get in contact with Play Developer Team but they don’t answer for our emails. The only thing we can do is asking help from our members. If you share our articles and news at any social media that will helps a lot. We will modify EverTrack and upload it again to Play Store soon, but it will a new app, all of our ratings and downloads are lost so we will ask some help to rate the app again. We hope that they will not remove again. Thanks for your comment!

  2. mohammed

    I am so sad to hear that you deserve far more that that …

    keep the nice work up and never give up …


      Thanks for your solidarity, we will modify EverTrack and upload it again to Play Store soon. Learning from the happenings we already modified EverTrack app and from now it’s also available to download from our website directly and the app can detect automatically when an update is available. We already uploaded the app to Amazon App Store yesterday and we will publish soon at Blackberry Store. If you satisfied with our services please share our news or follow us at any social media. Thanks a lot!

  3. Nasir Mirza

    I am speechless for such stupidity from a tech giant like google. EverTrack is one of the most transparent and most useful tracking app. I am really sorry for this and hope that Play developers come to their senses.


      Hello Nasir! Thanks for your support, we hope that it will never happen again. The worst is that we haven’t received any answer when we tried to get in contact with the developer team. It seems that the issue is closed and they don’t want to know what we think about it or help us to solve the problem. Thanks again!

  4. Filippo

    If this app is a Spyware, then all the others apps are the same, even a game or whatever it is. ,. Considering that at the moment of installation, is clearly written that they have access to your personal details; (location, number, privacy etc,,,) but reserved (?) Since when I have to do with Internet, I have accepted to be never 100% hidden in the absolute privacy. .. So I find useless and incoherent, such critics against this app… I like and will always like this app..
    good luck and support. . 😉 ★★★★☆


      Hello Filippo! Thanks for the comment we are really happy to hear that you satisfied with EverTrack GPS Tracker app. We wasn’t stopped the developement and we will publish EverTrack app at Google Play soon, after a few modification. If you have a website to place a link pointing to our site or you can share our news on Facebook, Google+, Twitter etc. please do it 🙂 With following us at these sites you will always receive the most up to date news. Thanks 🙂

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