News, Tracking News

Our Rocket Launched – CorvusGPS Beta ends

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corvusgps - gps tracking system

CorvusGPS Beta ends

In the last few years, we worked really hard to create a high-quality GPS tracking system that helps you Managing your Fleet and Protecting your Family. During the development process our services were free, but now we are finally switching to a paid system, only a few days remaining from your test period.

Free public Beta period ends for our old members on 9th of December 2017.

Business and Personal Plan

Our GPS Tracking System is used by Companies and Families too, that’s why we created 2 different Plans with their needs in mind:

Personal Plan

Designed for Families (and Small businesses). Personal Plan offers Premium tracking solutions for families with automatic activity recognition, intelligent battery optimization and location update interval up to 30 seconds. Personal accounts are limited to 5 licences (User or Hard-wired GPS tracker).

Business Plan

Designed for Business use including Premium tracking solutions and all of our Business features without any limitations.

Simple GPS Tracking System with Flexible Pricing

We worked a lot to design simple and flexible pricing which offers fair prices for our Business and Personal members too. Finally, we decided to create a GPS Tracking System based on daily fees, so you only need to pay the daily fee for licences in use.

Our Pricing is quite simple:
Personal Plan: $0.1 / day / licence*
Business Plan: $0.3 / day / licence*

*1 licence = 1 user or 1 hard-wired GPS tracker or 1 Temperature Sensor

Pricing Example (Business Plan)

If you have 2 Tracked Users (eg. Drivers, Employees) with 2 Temperature Sensors installed in each vehicle and 1 dispatcher is watching them, therefore you need 5 licenses which cost $1.5 / day.

GPS Tracking System – Plans and Pricing:

Why Daily Fees?

Each business is changing continuously, sometimes you need to track more units, sometimes less is enough. With daily fees, our payment system is flexible, simple and cost-efficient, because you only pay for what you really use. You can add or remove units anytime with no hassle, no long time contracts, no unused pre-paid user accounts and units.

Unlocked features in Personal Plan

We seen that many of our members chose Personal Plan (even some small businesses) so we made the decision to unlock most of our “Live Tracking” features for Personal users too. Now they can also enjoy our intelligent activity recognition which will offer accurate real-time tracking (30 seconds location update interval) and minimize the impact on battery life.

We hope Personal members will also be satisfied with our unique services, thanks to the upgraded live tracking. Personal accounts are limited to maximum 5 licences.

What’s next?

Every end is a new Beginning, we want to make sure that switching to a paid system will be also beneficial for our users, because it means we can grow bigger and better to suit your needs, and we are ready to add new features to the system.

You can read more about our future plans here:

We would like to thank the long-time cooperation and the valuable feedbacks for all of our early members. As always any feedback is much appreciated, we’d be pleased if you would share your thoughts about our services.

Andrew and Zoltan

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