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CorvusGPS Map app – Available for iOS

CorvusGPS Map app for iOS

CorvusGPS Map app for iOS

CorvusGPS Map app for Apple devices

We are happy to announce that from today CorvusGPS Map app is available for iOS (iPhone, iPad, etc…). That means from now on you can use it to take quick look on everything you might want to track. Whether they are your family members, company workers, assets or.

CorvusGPS Map app for iOS

Download the CorvusGPS Map here!

What is CorvusGPS Map app?

CorvusGPS Map is an application which lets you to follow your GPS trackers and EverTrack users from mobile devices. The app has limited features compared to the desktop version, but you can check “Last position” of your GPS Trackers / Users / Groups or you can check the routes of them in the last few hours.

The app is in beta state for now so if you find any issues with it please let us know in an email or a system message.

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Zoltan Sardi
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  1. Thomas Wedel

    Hi Zoltan,
    I downloaded the iOS app and found it working to my satisfaction. So a big round of applause for providing it to the public. However, there is one element of functionality I miss: When displaying the map, it would be helpful to see my OWN position on the map, too – not only the position of the tracked object. Imagine having the GPS tracker attached to a dog, and tracking it in the middle of nowhere. Then it would be really helpful to see both my own position on the map, as well as my target’s position, in order to know where to go in the wilderness 😉

    • Comment by post author

      Zoltan Sardi

      Hello Thomas!

      Thanks for your comment, it’s a great idea, my only problem is that this feature is useful if you are tracking a pet or use the app to similar activities, but our main profile is the fleet management 🙂 I will discuss with my colleagues about your idea and we will see what we can do and how it can be useful for a fleet. I added your idea to our “feature request” list.

      Thanks for your comment again, if you have any other idea or problem please let me know!


  2. Thomas Wedel

    Hi Zoltan,
    thanks for considering my proposal for a next app version. Maybe you could make it an optional feature, so showing the mobile phone’s own position could be switched on or off, depending of the usage pattern.
    Thank you

  3. Johan Bergman

    I tried to download the app but it is only avalibel in the US.
    Will it be avalibel in the other appstores?

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